Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Road to Happiness

The second principle is that of happiness. What is happiness? Is happiness that new boat, or that brand new car, or that new job that you have been seeking? Is happiness your financial gain and security? Is happiness knowing that you are done with that test for school? These are a few of many things that people seek after in their lifetime. While these things are not inherently bad in and of themselves, these are the things that can add to happiness perhaps, but we don't absolutely need them. Happiness is a choice and having more stuff than your neighbor has is not happiness. Rather, it brings stress and perhaps even a little anger between you and your neighbor, or you and your family if we make that our priority. Rather, I have found that happiness can be found even in the midst of our greatest trials. I have already laid out somewhat the physical challenges that I face. As a consequence of those physical disabilities, I may not get as much joy out of boating or a new car. I mean heck, I don't care what kind of car I ride in as long as it gets me where I need to go, with what I need when I get there. If happiness for me was defined by the things I listed above, I would have a pretty stinky life. Rather, I would say happiness can be found in family and friends, and if you don't have the best family or friends happiness can be found in service, even in the midst of our greatest trials. Now, am I always perfect at this? No, but I think a positive attitude can help. Now many times, this is easier said than done. I would venture to say that that is the case for most of us. Now for some personal examples: Sometimes I feel stressed because I am not making as much visible progress towards school or a good job as maybe my sister and brothers. I have come to realize that although a little piece of paper called a degree would be nice, it is not absolutely essential. I have strong belief in a God who is loving and caring and cares about what I care about and is willing to help me if I am attempting to live according to what I have been taught, and what I know. Due to this belief I have found much happiness even in times that are very difficult. I believe that I am never alone, and I know that my religion and my beliefs bring happiness to me. some people may ask, "How can religion bring you happiness?" My answer: Service. When we genuinely want to help and serve others in their time of need, then material wealth, or lack of material wealth doesn't seem to matter as much. Or in other words, we shouldn't care how much money we make, although if we happen to be quite well off, then we can do good with the blessings god has given us. But money does not define who we are. You can give service no matter what your circumstance. I have the wonderful opportunity to go down to Ecuador with my father periodically. The first couple times I can remember that I thought I was going to be a benefit to them, but in all reality they have done and are doing infinitely more  for me than I could do for them. For I believe that God, through their sweet spirits has made a better person out of me. I say this because despite all they have been through, there's a happiness and a joy and a light in many of their eyes that may be to some, inexplicable. But I do believe I know why it is there. It is there because they know that their God cares for them and knows about their situation. Perhaps maybe for those that do not know or are doubting perhaps I had the opportunity and privilege and honor to be the messenger to those individuals to testify to them that God does love them. I now testify to you that God loves each and every one of us. He knows of each one of our challenges and trials and he will love us and take care of us forever, even in our darkest times when it may feel like a god or a supreme being or whatever you may believe is furthest away. That is when he is closest. This is happiness I have found. I hope this may help you.
Jacob Everett Head

1 comment:

  1. I like it, Jacob. Now I am going to go read the other two! -Ben
