Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Importance of Beliefs

This blog post will be on the importance of believing in something.

Let me start out the blog post by posing a question to you.

That question is: What can belief in something be? Or what can it mean for us as human beings?

Let me explain what I mean by using a few personal examples. I can remember watching my sisters play soccer. I can remember thinking, “What if I could do that? How would my life be different? What would I be doing?” Put quite simply, I was having a pity party. I believed that because I was incapable of participating in so many physical activities, it somehow meant I was less. This belief did not come from any other source but myself. Even today sometimes I still think that. It is an ongoing mental battle for me. Since that 10 year old boy wondered that, the 20 year old me is beginning to realize that it's not what other people think of you that matters. Rather, it is what you believe you can do in your
circumstance. It is who you believe you can be that really matters. I mean, lets face it. I will never be a World Cup player, but that doesn't make me any less important. I believe, now, that we all have our own unique challenges, but we also have our own unique gifts and abilities even if they are not always apparent. This may be hard to accept sometimes, but if we can all (myself included) manage to let go of self doubt, no matter the challenges, then we can find the strength to believe in ourselves. Another source of belief for me is that of my religion. I am LDS. Those religious beliefs that I hold have been a great strength to me throughout all my challenges. Now, I am aware that there are many different beliefs and religious ideals. If you don't subscribe to any religious denomination, perhaps you believe in some higher power. This can be an anchor to us and no matter your belief or circumstance, we can all agree on one thing: Life is hard. So if we can find something to believe in, this will help us find something to live for and thereby help us keep from having a pity party and see what we can do to help others on their way. Without my personal religious beliefs, I don't even want to think about where I would be. If you just so happen not to be sure what you believe, have patience with yourself and believe in yourself and you will find your way eventually. I invite you to take a challenge. The next time you're feeling sorry for yourself, think about what you can do for someone else. Often it is said that in the service of others, we can find the solutions to our own problems. I fervently believe this. I also know this is easier said than done, but if we do this we will be much happier and get much more joy out of life.
Jacob Head

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