Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Hard Work and Accepting Help

So, I said in my last post that I would identify four principles that I try and live by to have hope, or as the title of my blog implies, to help me Reach Anyway -Or more appropriately to help all of us reach anyway. I will identify each principle in an individual blog post.
The first principle is that of hard work. Now, I will admit that I have a long way to go at living this principle perfectly, because I, like most of us, don't associate hard work with FUN! Sometimes on my road to independence, it has been like pulling teeth for my parents to get me to do something for my own good. At times it still is. I consider myself quite fortunate that they haven't thrown me out of the house by my ear yet! (However, the jury is still out on that one) Back to serious matters, I would say that although I have had rough patches I have tried and succeeded in having an optimistic attitude in general. I think my parents would say the same despite my resistance to their well intention-ed efforts. It has taken very hard work, not only on the physical battlefields of my life, but on the mental battlefields. One of my challenges that is not so obvious to people, is that I suffer from clinical depression. Some people see it as a label if they admit that they need assistance in that way. Somehow they think it is their fault, or in other words, something they did. I believe in most cases it is either something that happened to them in their past, or simply a chemical imbalance as has been medically studied and proven. As such, this line of thought led me to believe for a time that I was worthless. This feeling of helplessness was most acute, I believe, during my final year of high school. Most of my friends were gone. I felt insecure as to my future. I felt bad because I was so physically dependent on the good will of others and I wasn't sure what to do. However, my dad, who is a physician, recognized the symptoms and said, "Well lets try and see if we can get this medically treated." I resisted, but for my dad's hard work he helped me although I didn't realize it at the time. He helped me win the mental battle that I had been fighting with for years. It is hard to accept help from many people, but if you struggle or know someone who struggles there is no shame in receiving help. It is not a sign of weakness.
Work comes in many different forms. Right now what I have to work with is my physical challenges. Now whatever your challenge is ask yourself is it reaching for that next step? Are you afraid to reach up and haul yourself up over that first step because there will just be another obstacle on the other side? If you are I completely understand. But work does pay off although you may not think so at the time. How does it pay off? Well, i'll give you a short example. If I had not worked through the coaxing or most of the time through the forcing me to do hard work, I would not be able to help you right here right now. And that is a satisfying result of the hard work I have done.
Jacob Everrette Head


  1. Beautifully said. You are truly an inspiration to all of us who have been graced to watch you grow into adulthood.

  2. Hey Jacob. Very personal post that I feel privileged to read. I hope you continue doing well. What I've realized about hard work is that I don't always enjoy it in the moment, but at the end of the day I have never sat down and thought, 'man I regret doing all that today.' However, I can't remember a day I just lounged around watching TV that I didn't kick myself for that night. -Ben
